Ban of ChatGPT in Italy
Ban of ChatGPT in Italy
A: In the last lesson, what were your instructor's concerns?
B: He just said there is a lot of concern about AI.
A: Okay. So, should we stop AI or not?
B: That is the topic of the previous lesson. And so, I said we can't stop it because there are so many people making it.
A: Right. I think the EU is now debating it.
B: Yes, I see. You may know Italy prohibits ChatGPT.
A: Oh, is that right? I didn't know that actually.
B: There is interesting news about it. Italy prohibited the use of ChatGPT. And after that, the production of open source programmers in Italy decreased to 50%.
A: Half of their productivity.
B: And then it recovered after two days. That was because they can use ChatGPT again through VPNs.
A: Ah, right. So they started to look for ways to circumvent it?
B: Circumvent. Yes they did. So this is another proof that we can't stop AI.
A: I wanted to see why Italy banned ChatGPT. It was privacy concerns. Especially since privacy concerns are high in the EU.
B: Yes, higher than in other parts of the world. For example, ...
ここでGDPRの話をしたかったんだけどGDPRという用語を思い出せなかった enjabelow.icon
A: なるほど、では、AIを止めるべきかどうか?
A: 生産性が半分になった。
B: 回避する。そうです、彼らはやりました。これもAIを止められないという証拠だね。
B: そう、世界の他の地域よりも高い。例えば、 ...